Twitter launches Twitter Stories

We’ve all heard the stories of how Twitter has affected many people. Sometimes, it’s one tweet that goes viral or maybe you found your soulmate on Twitter (we haven’t heard about that happening yet. Who knows? Maybe it has). Well, Twitter is making an official spot on their website where Read more…

Tweet added to the dictionary

Here’s something worth putting out there on Twitter: The term “tweet” has been added to the Merriam-Webster dictionary. No, seriously, it has. It’s listed as both a noun and a verb, and it joins 100 or so other words released by Merriam-Webster on Thursday. “Even if people had no Read more…

Great social media video

Of course everyone talks about getting involved with social media and how it’s so big these days. But, have you ever seen figures that put that into context? Here is one of the brilliant videos by Erik Qualman on social media and its impact on our lives. Definitely check it Read more…