Google+ opens up to businesses

It’s about time. When Google+ first launched in this past year we couldn’t believe that it didn’t allow you to create business pages. After all, a big part of why Facebook got so huge is that so many corporate entities realized that they had to have a presence on there. Google is usually so forward thinking in so many aspects, how could they possibly launch their answer to Facebook without the business component?
Well, it took a while, but they obviously figured it out and have opened up their doors to companies. They have announced that 20 companies, including Toyota, Pepsi and Macy’s, have launched pages on Google+ and that your business will be able to shortly as well.
The pages will be incorporated into search results, according to Google. Of course they’ll also be available in their social network as well. Google says if you type, say, “+Pepsi” in a standard search, you’ll be taken to their Google+ page.
We can’t wait to see how this all works out. Could be absolutely enormous as Google is the No. 1 search engine.