Bond Arms review on

Looking for a new firearm? Bond Arms has four new models that were recently released specifically for the California market. AWR Hawkins got the first chance to test drive the new Papa Bear and absolutely loved it. He reviewed it for the very popular conservative website, He writes: The Read more…

Michelle Madhok in Consumer Reports

Michelle Madhok is the founder of the wildly popular website She also happens to be a client of Large Media and we love working with her. We recently got Michelle quoted in an article in Consumer Reports’ ShopSmart magazine titled “Shhh! Beauty bloggers’ 6 secret ways to save!” It’s Read more…

Uberblox in Robotics Tomorrow

Like making stuff? 3D printing? Just about anything you want? Check out Uberblox, a new company that allows you to make your own machines. Yes, make your own machines right in your own home. Make a 3D printer and then 3D print stuff. When you’re done? Make a different machine Read more…

David Silverstein byline on The Daily Caller

The Daily Caller is the website started by conservative commentator Tucker Carlson. He’s made it insanely successful with monthly visitors hovering around three million. We got David Silverstein a bylined opinion piece this week on artificial intelligence. You can read it right here. It’s an excellent read and starts a Read more…