Some love for Micah’s fake Brett Brown Twitter account

Since Brett Brown became the head coach of the Philadelphia 76ers, I decided to start a fake Twitter account for him. I’m a huge Sixers fan and, when I heard his first radio interview in Philly, it was impossible not to notice his thick New England accent.
I’m a Boston University graduate and my father’s family is from outside of Boston. In short – I know the accent well.
So for the last seven years, I’ve been tweeting in a New England accent and it’s gotten quite a bit of notice. The account has about 4,222 followers and many local journalists have taken notice over the years.
I was more than thrilled when Tom More of the Bucks County Courier Times reached out to do a story on the Twitter account, even though Brown has since been fired. Because it’s part of the Gannett network, the story has run in about four different newspapers over the last two days.
It originally ran in the BC Courier Times.
It’s also run in Vineland, New Jersey’s Daily Journal, Cherry Hill’s Courier Post and the Doylestown Intelligencer.