Facebook adds ‘save’ feature

How many times have you been scrolling through your Facebook news feed when you see something really interesting? Okay, it doesn’t happen all that often as most people just litter your feed with “inspirational” memes and pictures of their dog licking their daughter’s face. Not exactly thought-provoking stuff. But, we Read more…

Could you quit Facebook for 99 days?

By now, you’ve surely heard about the psychological experiments that Facebook was doing for “research” purposes and it’s certainly gotten them in hot water with a lot of folks. In response to this news, a Dutch creative agency known as Just, has launched a non-profit initiative called “99 Days of Read more…

LogmeOnce featured on Venture Break

LogmeOnce is probably the most robust, secure and easy-to-use password manager on the market (okay, about to hit the market). They are the only company to offer a proprietary software and hardware key that uses military-grade, 26-layer encryption. Yeah, these guys are hardcore. LogmeOnce was just featured on Venture Break Read more…