Work for free? (video)

This video is pretty hilarious. This is what happens when an advertising agency documents the responses of other types of business owners when they are asked about working for free. We’re all too familiar with people asking us to get them media placements and then paying us afterwards. Nah, no Read more…

Bid4Assets on KIMA-TV is a leading website that allows counties around the United States to hold their tax-foreclosure auctions online. Previously, you’d be basically shouting on the county courthouse steps in order to bid on these properties, which meant you also had to be local. Now, you can bid from anywhere. And Read more…

Go update your Facebook app!

Did you update your iPhone to iOS 9? Did you notice that your Facebook app was draining your battery even when the app wasn’t running? Well, yeah, it was. Well, Facebook has found the problem and the fix is in the latest update. Wired has the explanation from Facebook on Read more…

Facebook adding reactions

You’ve probably heard by now that Facebook would be adding a “dislike” button to go with its “like” button. CEO Mark Zuckerberg made the announcement in September. “I think people have asked about the dislike button for many years,” he said back then. “Today is a special day because today Read more…