David Silverstein joins “After the Bell”

The crisis in Greece is dominating the cable news discussions by far. So, we called our friendly folks at Fox Business Network to let them know that global business strategist David Silverstein was in town.
They like David and always welcome his insight, so he joined “After the Bell” last Wednesday to talk about the problems facing the people of Greece.
You can watch the clip right here.
David does a brilliant job of offering unique insight in a short amount of time, succinctly and authoritatively. Great job again, David!
1 Comment
Silverstein talks Greece on Daily Caller | Large Media, Inc. · July 9, 2015 at 1:54 pm
[…] David Silverstein always has his finger on the pulse of the latest business and economic issues. He was recently on Fox Business Network’s “After the Bell” to talk about the crisis in Greece. […]
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