Facebook adds ‘save’ feature

How many times have you been scrolling through your Facebook news feed when you see something really interesting? Okay, it doesn’t happen all that often as most people just litter your feed with “inspirational” memes and pictures of their dog licking their daughter’s face. Not exactly thought-provoking stuff.
But, we all have friends that actually post some quality stuff and you don’t always have time to read/watch/listen to it at that very moment. Help is on the way! Facebook just rolled out its “Facebook Save” feature on Monday that allows you to set those important posts aside for later when you have more time to check them out.
“Every day, people find all sorts of interesting items on Facebook that they don’t have time to explore right away,” Facebook said in a blog post. “Now you can save items that you find on Facebook to check out later when you have more time.”
The saved items will be archived in a list and Facebook will even send you reminders in your news feed. Wow, this actually seems like a Facebook change that people will really like.